Win Some, Lose Some
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Was supposed to post this long ago (101406):Yesterday was my
last day at MJ. I've been making
mental countdowns since Monday and I admit, the nearer October 13th came, the more sad I felt. It's quite ironic really, since I've been
desperately looking for a job since middle of this year, and now that I'm finally moving, I get a little
My pseudo-mother and father threw a goodbye lunch (party) for me at
Amici. The food was great (highly comparable to Cantinetta but 1/4 less pricey) but I refuse to describe it here as I feel it deserves a separate post.

When we got back to the office, the
going away presents started to pour in - the blue-leather Starbucks mug from Will and Grace (love it!), the silver bear necklace from mareng Ria, the
warm vanilla sugar lotion from Mama Beth, and the autographed
Daily Bread from Kath. I cannot recall of a time I was surrounded by people as warm as these.
The most difficult part in saying goodbye is saying so. As I went on to every cube to say my "last words", Papa Willie's being the first stop, tears unexpectedly started to well up in my eyes. I guess it was because when I looked in his eyes I could almost see tears as well (or was it just my imagination?) when he said, "Good luck. Thanks so much for everything." Mother Grace gave me a hug and her waterworks opened up as well. It was a little weird, really, having to see your boss like that.
Graduating from highschool left an exciting feeling, finishing college was more of big relief, leaving my first job was something I looked forward to, but this one was definitely
heavier in my heart. I know I will be moving to a (supposedly) better place. No more late trials on my birthday, but then no more birthday surprises too. No more
kums corner meetings but that means I may not have wonderful friendships like the ones I've made in MJ. But well, guess it's true what they say... "You win some, you lose some." Life's like that. DWI.
This will be missed. Same goes with the rest of my MJ friends.
@ 8:14 AM
Lohan-ish (Yesterday)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I'm feeling really
lucky today.
Coincidentally, I just watched
Just My Luck last weekend... hence, the post title.
I don't know if this is just
positive thinking.
Can't remember when this started, as if the turn of events are conspiring against the
negative forces and instead are starting to happen in favor of me.
(Well except for
The Plant Trial Devil who attacked me last week.)
Suddenly, I'm relaxed and cool and composed again.
I own my time now. Well, somehow...
Thanks to the
bad eggs. Tsk tsk...
Three days.
No more trials.
This time around it's starting to get a little sad. Just a bit.
Ching2: (pointing to John Lloyd in
the new Channel2 teleserye) Ninang May,
Si John Lloyd?
Yan? (putting her finger on the screen)
Me: Yup.
Sinong mas gusto mo, si Tito AJ o sya?
Si tito AJ syempre!
Exactly why I am
crazy as hell about her.
@ 9:46 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
I have a
bazillion things I'm itchin to blog about since that stupid blackout but I never had (and still don't have) the luxury of time so I'll have to settle for yet another numbered list.
1. Things I did during the long (get this: minus 1/4 worth of our electric bill) power failure:
.:. played
DoTA and
Time Crisis just
before Milenyo's peak
.:. watched cars and bikes outside the mall,
half-floating through the flood
during Milenyo's peak
.:. acted like we were some media people looking for news article-worthy sightings right
after Milenyo's peak
.:. re-read
Cosmo, and
T3 magazines I've been ignoring on "bright" days, sometimes with a flashlight
.:. showers in the
dark (and choosing an outfit has never been that difficult a task)
.:. binged on my mom's famous
tacos.:. helped Jax make his
kick-ass resume outside my house using Tammy's open trunk as desk
.:. lots of
candle-lit dinners
.:. watched
the break-up in the car
.:. watched
the break-up in Don's ipod
.:. went from my house to Select in
Makati Avenue just for a cold rootbeer in can
.:. several
McDo dinners via drive-thru
.:. cooling-body-temp
tambays in Don's car
2. I can't remember the last time, or if I've ever, declared a day as the
worst I've had in my entire life (although there's a very big possibility I must've way back in college) but if it was to be the most recent one, it was last
Thursday. I was so effing tired from the plant trial, feeling all icky with oil and grime, with barely 2 hours of sleep, a tampururot-ing baby, and the thought that I was to repeat the whole process the following week AND going home to a house with no electricity... it cannot get any worse, could it? By the end of the day, I was so freakin fragile that I broke into tears. Scrubs suits and all. At the middle of the laboratory.
3. Oh my nuts, it's just days before
christmas! I've actually been waking up to christmas songs, thanks to my dad, for two weeks now and I kinda like the feeling it's giving me. I have a couple more items in my must-have list, the never-ending credit card and phone bills, and the splurge dinners with Jax but nevertheless, I'm definitely starting on my christmas list soon. *wink!*
4. I have four more days to endure. Four friggin days. It's a wild
mix of emotions, really.
Sad to leave friends behind, anxious of the new culture, hesitant of the yet-to-be-known pressure, happy about finally being "free", quite impressed with the
"meet and greet" thingy, excited to explore the
greener pastures, wondering how to deal with new bosses, and scared about keeping the most important thing in my life. But I have to push all these thoughts aside for now. I have a feeling
God is putting me exactly where I should be. :)
@ 10:22 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Sucks big time:
Wasn't able to watch
ANTMCouldn't dry my hair
chocolate mousseNo phone, a/c, and cable
ice-cold water
How inconvenient can this get??? I actually like it dimmer than brighter, but definitely not this
Milenyo-induced one. More on my
blackout activities (or lack thereof) when I finish charging my laptop... Ugh.
@ 8:40 AM