Just My Luck
Thursday, July 27, 2006
My stars must be aligned today.. so much it could probably form a solar system of its own. Uhh.. not making any sense! Anyway, here's why:
1. Got out of bed around 7am but managed to get to work at 8:04 am, still late but way earlier than my other time-in's for about 2 weeks now, 8:20 on the average.
2. My 10am meeting got cancelled - just when I was about to call the supplier to move the meeting to 3pm. Eventually, we agreed on her just submitting the samples for proofing today and then have the discussion tomorrow morning instead.
3. My craving for pasta (been wanting to get stuffed with Italian for the longest time!) was satisfied today. I had an (emergency) lunch date with Kay Anne at Java Man in Greenbelt. As usual, there wasn't enough time for never-ending chikahan. It was really nice meeting up with her again, especially since we only get to have quick lunch/dinners once a year. We should do this more often, girl. Minus the teary-eyed moments, I must say. Haha...
4. Dropped by Auntie Anne's just in time for the last piece of cinnamon sugar pretzel. Whew!
5. Found out that the
Nike sneakers I've been wanting to buy is on sale! Yay! I was so tempted to get those but I decided on tagging Jax with me at Nike Park this weekend so I could get a
second opinion. Hey, every girl gets all
clingy when buying shoes!
6. Hailed a cab from Oakwood-Bread Talk side of Glorietta to go back to the office in no less than 10 seconds from the time I walked out of the building. Kind of reminded me of that scene from the trailer of
Just My Luck. Hehe...
I love it when the bosses are gone. I wouldn't mind taking their places (and their salaries). Promise.
P.S. What would really
really complete my day though is a ticket to the
Pussy Cat Dolls concert at Araneta tonight (or is it tomorrow night?). I so want to watch
that but being the cheapskate that I am, I'm just waiting for some miracle from heaven in the form of front-row tickets... which is not happening. Guess
Don't Cha will just keep playing in my head tonight. Boohoo!
@ 7:09 PM
Texting with my good friend
Kay Anne last night and she messaged me this:
...tnx almay...Glad ur super powers workd on me. Gdnyt.I have
psychic powers. Seriously!
(another self-declared ability)I'm really starting to believe that I have this special gift. Well it's not anything like palm reading or third eye (at least not with my definition) but it's more on me finding my
weird dreams turning into reality just days after and it's creeping me out! It's like an ESP of some sort. Sometimes, it's not just in my dreams. It's even in my guts, the way I feel (I know it's different from paranaoia) or I suddenly think of somebody or something.
I've gone totally crazy. I need a shrink.
@ 9:15 AM
July Babies
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
(although most of these are late)
Ivy (July 15) - See you in our next beach trips! (Rain, rain, go away...) Wishing you more boylets to come. =)
Mars (July 17) - Easy on the work, girl. (Look who's talking! Haha!)
Susan (July 18) - What a friend!!! You never told me you're in love and in a relationship now??! Make me kwento!!!
Ching-Ching (July 19) - My beautiful inaanak... never fails to make me smile. When you get to read this like 6 years from now, I'll give you my wish. *lots of hugs*
Omar (July 25) - Nothing but the best in your blooming career and love life! Manlibre ka naman!
Tita Me (July 26) - Missing you already. Can't wait to see you in.. uhm, 2008? *wink!*
@ 2:15 PM
fab 5
Thursday, July 20, 2006

I should be at
Greenbelt right now watching this. Instead, I'm here at the office waiting for my telecon with US people to start. What a life.
@ 7:55 PM
My Pig
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
[click the image to enlarge]
My pig said these? I don't think so.
@ 4:52 PM
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
You Are 28% Happy |
 You're not miserable, but you could stand to be a lot happier. Focus on what's right in the world, and you'll be happier than you ever thought possible. |
Well, I still think
happiness is a state of mind. Am I happy now? Was talking to my friend Mars about that just this morning. I'm fine. Fine as in could be better, not
ecstatic happy, not oh-so-low. Just
fine. Just like that. Other moments I'm feeling so good about myself and the next a little crammed up. Oh well...
@ 9:16 PM
How We Did 33
Sunday, July 16, 2006
33 months old. If it's a crime to count the length of a relationship, then yes I am
guilty as hell.
Well, I don't care and I will keep counting anyway.
And if I feel like it (like now), I will keep yapping about how Jax and I spent it, not that it's uber exciting...
First, we went to church with his family. A few times tita had to make side comments to stress what the pastor was saying. Tsk tsk...
Then Jax said he was craving for Yellow Cab's hot wings. But since we both haven't had breakfast (it was 12 noon by then), my stomach was growling, and Festi was the closest mall (where there's no Yellow Cab), we went to Don Hen instead. Oh I swear I'm gonna learn how to make that sweet-sour cream and onion sauce of the buffalo wings!
Fyi, Jax initiated taking this picture.
Jax: We always end up having a pic like this.
Me: Like what? You mean our heads together?
Jax: Yup.
Me: Yeah, and you always looking bored.
Me: Mukha akong payat.
Jax: Burahin natin!
Me: (pout) Bakit?
Jax: Kasi sinungaling yung picture e!
After stuffing ourselves as in Jax going d ko na talaga kaya pearl, we went around Festi for a while. We ended up in Gameworx. We contemplated on doing billiards but decided not to because apparently, Jax didn't want to irritate himself with my slow-learner, come-on-that's-not-the-way-to-swing-your-taco skills. We went to shoot hoops instead. Jax, Ano na sa tie sa round1? Hahaha...
An hour or so later, after we I got tired with the basketball thingy, we went to my place. I changed into something more comfy (The sun was playing tricks on me. Bakit kung kelan naka-long sleeves, dun biglang umiinit??), and off we went to Glorietta. We paid our Globe bills, had our weekly fix of Ice Monster, bought a gift toy for Ching-ching, and went to the grocery to get some stuff for our kikay kits.
Note: Jax had to change outfit din pala.
Too bad how tiny the tee (imagine him wearing my shirt) wasn't shown in this pic. Teeheee!
We had to get home by 8 sharp because Jax we had to watch the F1 racing.
Jax: Pearl, sa 66 bilis!
Pearl: (switched channel to 66, baseball was on) Wala pa e.
Jax: Huh? Bakit ganun?
Pearl: Baka na-extend lang yung game... Sure ka ba 8?
Jax: Oo. Pareho lang naman tayo sa Hong Kong dba? (checks his phone) O! Sabi sa yo e! Bakit ganun?
[10 minutes later]
Jax: Pearl, 66 ulit!
Pearl: (switched to 66) Wala pa din e.
Jax: Huh? Bakit??? (getting frustrated)
Pearl: Baka naman next Sunday pa yun!
Jax: Hindi. Eliminations na kahapon e. D na yun papatagalin! (looking impatient)
Jax: (realizes something) Baka hindi ESPN, baka Star Sports!!! (flips through the remote and finds F1, Scumacher already in his 20th lap) Star Sports nga!!!!!!
Hahaha.. So much for being on time!
One fine-sweet day. 91 days to go. Can't wait. *sheepish smile*
@ 10:29 PM
loving the rain
Thursday, July 13, 2006
this so cracked me up:
office from hellguide to pinoy conversationsx
been wanting to write something my analysis of "the fever" but i can't seem to find time to really sit down and organize my thoughts. maybe this weekend.
right now i'm browsing through
charles and keith and
naturalizer. how come
vnc doesn't have a website yet? *frown*
i really like the weather. well i don't want the wet
muddy streets (eeew.. i hate getting my feet wet. ugh.) but i
LOVE the cool wind, the sound of
raindrops, and the comfort of being under my sheets. my current wish: to
cuddle - would trade anything for a big, long, tight hug
with jax, a hot choco with
marshmallows (not instant swiss miss please), and to watch a cheesy teenie bopper (no-brainer) flick.
can't wait to watch
the break-up!
"what my baby wants, my baby gets.."x
i must be
@ 8:05 PM
letter to you
Monday, July 10, 2006
Dear Tammy,
I don't want Jax to be
sad and
masungit anymore. Please, please, please. When you feel better, I promise to take you to
Tagaytay and pamper you and give you your new
libero. *wink!* Remember that Jax and I both
love you and will do everything to give you a comfortable life. We still have a lot of places to go and see together. Be strong ok?
@ 6:50 PM
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I'm not gonna spill what happened when Nix, Ems, and I got together the other Friday for 2 reasons: (1) it's predominantly on our love lives, and (2) bitching out when the other bitches could read isn't the coolest thing to do.
Instead, I'm going to reminisce with this:

because we've seen all our little quirks and flaws, and managed to deal with that
because we're almost always of the same wavelength
because we could practically read each other's minds
because we saw each other look and act stupid (not necessarily at the same time)
because we have witnessed countless drama series featuring each other
because we've paid fines (or did we?) for every inarte
because one's monster becomes the common MONSTER of three
because we spent so many nights figuring out how those jerky losers think
because we concocted our own beauty regimens
because we've cursed the college of engineering so many times
because we've sworn to keep a secret from each other but then end up blurting it out hours later
because we've studied and failed the same exams
because we've been bitter, sweet, and sour
because we could go on laughing til our sides hurt - over something only us could understand
because we found entertainment in a lot of pathetic human beings (yes we are evil)
because we're each other's love gurus
because we've been broke all at the same time
because we've danced the night away a night before a 7 am class
because we are mean girls
because we could say "don't hate me cause i'm beautiful" with a straight face
because we've shared so many silly stories
because we've shared shampoos, mcflurry's, and notes
because we've shared these and so so so much more
i heart ems. i heart nix.
love these girls to pieces. =)
@ 10:10 PM