Birthday Blab (06/01/06)
Sunday, June 04, 2006

I got my lazy ass out of bed at around 11am today. If it hadn't been because of Jax's text to call him up, I probably would still be in the sack, snoozing and sneezing. Right now, I'm comfy with Tonton, blogging while It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (as suggested by Dra. Arlene) is on screen. I just had lunch and I'm finishing my bar of Hershey's milk chocolate as I make this entry.


Ok I'm officially 25. Ever since I was a kid, I always get excited with the thought of my birthday coming up. This year wasn't an exception, but this time it was different. No parties or fancy dinners whatsoever, but nevertheless made me happy. =)

I knew my officemates were preparing a little something for me. I mean hel-lo?! We always "surprise" every birthday celebrant in the dept, usually with a cake and happy birthday song, so I figured I shouldn't be an exception. I just didn't know WHAT and HOW the "surprise" will be.

What?!? You actually prepared something for me??? Aaaaawww...

It turned out that the highlight of their gimmick for me was the live phone patch with Jax. I felt like a talent of Star Circle celebrating her birthday or anniversary in showbiz that tears welled up in my eyes. Ok that's too ASAP-ish... no there weren't any tears, just a lot of teasing from the bosses and officemates. Hehe... They also prepared a short presentation about me (actually, it's more of making me the moment's laughingstock). Anyway, it was fun. Like I always say, this is one of the major reasons why I'm staying with MJ. I love these people. =)

Jax picked me up after work. He gave me my new sleep buddy, Tonton. Check out the jewelry. ;)

We were supposed to have dinner with my family but since my rents were still in Cavite when we got home, we decided to have a pre-dinner meal at our favorite Japanese place. It was ordinarily special or especially ordinary. Whatever. Basta it was nice.

So anyhoo... the next day, Jax and I went out again, this time with his highschool friends - Tet, Tin, Karen, and Marvin. The initial plan was Tagaytay but most of them had work the next day so we ended up in Marvin's place. We just hung out and chatted over chips, Andok's and (they got tipsy) with mojo (not sure how it's spelled). I probably had (a maximum of) 1/4 of the glass, which, mind you, was super diluted with soda. My favorite part of the night was when they (the buzzed people) made me this lovely cake.

Chicken salad on wheat bread. Fresh out of PGH. Hehehe...

Been in this world for uhm, 25 years and 3 days already. I have hurt, been hurt, laughed, been laughed at, cried, complained, been spoiled, doubted, scared, laughed hysterically, fallen and stood up. I know I still have a whole lot to experience and learn. For now, my birthday wish is to have more strength - spritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, to be able to embrace all the spice and excitement of life.

@ 9:00 PM

almay here. i'm 25 and act like it when the stars are aligned. i'm currently attached (and loving it!) to the most spoiled big boy in the world aka jax. i'm an augustinian and an iska. i'm not a party person, more of the dinner-coffee type. i miss dancing though (it's been ages!). i'm a self-confessed crybaby and drama queen. i talk a lot, often even in a language only i could understand. recently, i've turned into that boyish kid. i love cars. i like driving, sometimes alone when i want to get away and think. i have a sweet tooth. give me chocolates with almonds and blueberry cheesecake and i'm yours forever.

(someday soon) i'd like to: swim in the pacific ocean. ride a hot air balloon. be (and drive) in a real racing circuit. sing with a band. have a month-long vacation without having to think about work. see the egyptian pyramids. lie in a bed of roses, literally. climb a mountain. have my own butterfly garden. complete my bath and body collection. finish reading the Bible, cover to cover. be in the set of grey's anatomy. go on a totally unplanned road trip. learn three other languages.
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"Maybe we're not supposed to be happy. Maybe gratitude has nothing to do with joy. Maybe being grateful means recognizing what you have for what it is. Appreciating small victories. Admiring the struggle it takes simply to be human. Maybe we're thankful for the familiar things we know. And maybe we're thankful for the things we'll never know. At the end of the day, the fact that we have the courage to still be standing is reason enough to celebrate."

- Meredith Grey

used-to-be twin (and mom) nix
ex-roomie ems
co-ratskee dancing partner bec
the mean girls that we are
kid sis i never had ali
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idol newscaster and mother tinapie
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my palm reader melle
ompau, the 3rd chuwable

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