Thursday, June 29, 2006
Lahat may tolerance level.
@ 10:34 PM
get shorty
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Promised myself I won't get a short short haircut until I'm slender sexy enough to sport the boyish look (oh and yes until I get Jax to let me cut my hair - why do men adore women with long hair anyway?) So while I'm still working on my siopao that is my face, guess this will remain a dream from the past...
Last year in college, candid shot taken at the ESC office. Oooooh.. I was thin!!!
Junior year (2000), with Tita Me and Al. Looking like a highschool tomboy! Hahaha.
@ 8:36 AM
Friday, June 23, 2006
1. If I see another plate of lemon chicken, I think I'm gonna scream.
2. Dairy Queen now isn't even half as good as it used to be. In fact, I think it's gotten bad. When Jax and I had a large
blizzard fix last week, we SO wanted to feed it to the crocodile... literally.
3. Been wanting to buy new shoes since 2 weeks ago but I can't seem to find one that I really, really like. I've decided to get something a little more girly this time. I never realized that Jax wants me to wear heels until we went looking for shoes last week and he kept on letting me try
3-in heels (sort of a way of telling me I NEED and should be wearing those, he admitted.)
4. Burgoo caesar salad is the best. To think I'm not a veggie person. Well ok, I'm just starting/trying to be one.
5. Can't wait to perfect my "
drift" (ehem.. in Battle gear, I mean). After watching Tokyo Drift, the girly-come-on-pasingitin-mo-na-ko-please driver in me just wants to get my manly side out. Teehee... Like I said (see sidebar on flicks), it would be cool to try real drifting at least once in my life.
6. Jax and I had brunch at our favorite Jap resto again last Saturday. The owner must have recognized already (regular Saturday brunch, go figure) that he gave us a 10% discount. Hmmm... potential caterer? Need to be closer to this one, right Jax? *wink!*
7. Leanteks reunion this weekend! Have to make concrete plans on that this week.
8. If Ems is ok with the sched, Ratskee girls bonding night
this Friday tonight.
9. Contemplating whether to have another
haircut or not. I just had one last week but I'm thinking of having it shorter (like shoulder-length shorter).
10. B&B sale!!! Yeyyyy!!!
11. Hearing "
Bitch" by Meredith Brooks never fails to put a smile on my face.
Alma bitch, Alma lover, Alma child, Alma mother... Hahaha...
12. What's up with
ex wish-I-was-an-ex people snooping around OUR lives? Hel-lo?! Can't you get over the
desperate stage? Puh-lease!! [See number 11 for an appropriate background music *evil laugh*]
13. Wish I was with Jax at the
kart track right now. :(
14. Saw the new organigram of our group (which will be effective next year) yesterday.. and I'm
not happy. No, make that disappointed. *rolling eyes* Well, let's just see if I can wait that long...
15. Got to try that
banoffee pie at Starbucks. Must do.
16. Ivy and I were talking the other night about The Lakehouse and how she was surprised to know that I didn't cryduring the movie. Anyways, I suddenly got to thinking that maybe I should watch
Il Mare too, the movie (or book - anoba talaga?) from which it was taken.
K done using wasting company time. Here goes my weekend... Ciao! =)
@ 4:56 PM
My groovy dad
Monday, June 19, 2006
Proof that he is:
1. He has his own 20-GB ipod
2. He has 2
flicker accounts - he claimed that the first one was full already so he had to make another account (I won't be surprised to know he has a
friendster and/or
myspace account as well.)
3. He knows how to use Limewire and Napster and downloads his oldies songs
4. Among us, he's always the first to discover new cool sites like google earth, etc.
5. He's always excited to go to his highschool reunion with the boys of Don Bosco Makati
6. He's so fond of (silly) gadgets which I don't think is of any use (whattawaste of money!)
7. He likes going out to try new places (read: bars, restos, malls, etc.) - even the ones meant for younger genres
8. He can spend A WHOLE DAY on the internet and get really really close with YM (he knows the latest version!)
These are the same reasons why I hate him sometimes. He's like a kid that it feels like competition already. Hehe... He's not the perfect father (oh some days I swear he is so NOT!!) but he's nice and super patient and forgiving and compassionate. Well, especially to me cause 'm his favorite. Hahaha! But seriously, though I wish he did much much more than what he did (or did not do), I love my dad, flaws and all.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy!!!
And to all the would-be fathers I know. :)
@ 1:55 PM
dedicated to arlen-ey
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
DRA. ARLENE VILLANUEVA VELUZ(formerly known as "the rock")
So happy for my good friend
Arlene for passing the dent boards. Wohooo!!! No effort! Haha.. And for that, friend.. I made this especially for you. The
worst is over, girl. Told you it's all gonna pay off when you see your name in the paper. Well, I still understand why you won't give credit to "that other school". Mwehehehe... Basta papasakayin mo sa new car mo ha. =) AND if ever you will need help with the
party planning, I'm just right here. *wink!*
@ 11:37 PM
Monday, June 12, 2006
Barely a month and I'm changing my layout again. Guess
monochromatic doesn't quite work for me. What's up with the new look? Hmm... a little explanation on the theme (sorta):
ONE TRUE THING is one of the movies that's always been special to me. "Love what you have" cut through me. We all have that one truth - one true love, one true happiness, one true passion... These are the things that really matter to us. This is to remind me that though in some aspects life could be cruel, I could always go back to my one true thing. :)
PICTURES in the header are things that describe me, somehow sums up my personality - my favorite memories, my addictions, all-time comfort food, etc. At the bottom, I tried to squeeze in family, all sets of friends, and/or groups of people that's ever been a part of my life. (Sorry to the others who were not included.. it just means I don't have our pic that's big enough to see here. Wehehe) .. Anyway, let me know if you see my "subdued" pic there ok? *wink!*
The bright, wonderful
COLORS were inspired by
this Hed Kandi photo. I just want the page to be "full of life". Also couldn't decide on a specific color scheme so might as well just throw everything in.
Hmm.. I've got a bunch going on in my sidebar too, still about me. Yeah, I could be
So there. I'm not sure how long I'm gonna use this but I think I'm gonna
stick with this layout for a (longer) while. I'm actually
liking loving it now. =)
@ 1:40 AM
Have To...
Thursday, June 08, 2006
1. get a haircut and hair spa
2. and probably a foot spa with Jax too
3. buy new shoes (still can't decide if I'm going to buy a sporty one or one for the working girl or both)
4. watch Cars (and binge on NYFD and ice monster as usual)
5. go swimming (provided this cold and cough gets tired of me)
6. finish my new layout (again) - getting bored with pink and purple already
7. tidy up all the clutter in my room
8. renew my driver's license - aaargh. d ba talaga pwedeng proxy? magse-send na lang ako ng pic!
9. do some serious hunting for jeans - why is it so hard to fine the pair that fits you perfectly these days?
Soo looking forward to this long weekend because after this, I think it's gonna take a while before I could actually have a good break from work. My semi-boss and I just had a discussion yesterday about the new business role she, or rather WE, will be assuming in the next two months. She's turning over some of her projects to me (yes sing "I'm a slaaaaaaaave for you" with me), which means my workload will again compete with the height of Mt. Everest. Ok exagg. Pero seriously.. ano na sa 125% FTE? 1 and 1/4 of a person? Whattalife!
On a totally different mode... Still smiling from last night's surprise and this morning's text. Love you Jax! *googly eyes*
@ 9:26 AM
Birthday Blab (06/01/06)
Sunday, June 04, 2006
I got my
lazy ass out of bed at around 11am today. If it hadn't been because of Jax's text to call him up, I probably would still be in the sack, snoozing and sneezing. Right now, I'm comfy with Tonton, blogging while
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (as suggested by Dra. Arlene) is on screen. I just had lunch and I'm finishing my bar of Hershey's milk chocolate as I make this entry.
I'm officially 25. Ever since I was a kid, I always get excited with the thought of my birthday coming up. This year wasn't an exception, but this time it was
different. No parties or fancy dinners whatsoever, but nevertheless made me happy. =)
I knew my officemates were preparing a little something for me. I mean hel-lo?! We always
"surprise" every birthday celebrant in the dept, usually with a cake and happy birthday song, so I figured I shouldn't be an exception. I just didn't know WHAT and HOW the "surprise" will be.
What?!? You actually prepared something for me??? Aaaaawww...It turned out that the highlight of their gimmick for me was the
live phone patch with Jax. I felt like a talent of Star Circle celebrating her birthday or anniversary in showbiz that tears welled up in my eyes. Ok that's too
ASAP-ish... no there weren't any tears, just a lot of teasing from the bosses and officemates. Hehe... They also prepared a short presentation about me (actually, it's more of making me the moment's laughingstock). Anyway, it was fun. Like I always say, this is one of the major reasons why I'm staying with MJ.
I love these people. =)Jax picked me up after work. He gave me my new sleep buddy,
Tonton. Check out the jewelry. ;)

We were supposed to have dinner with my family but since my rents were still in Cavite when we got home, we decided to have a pre-dinner meal at our
favorite Japanese place. It was ordinarily special or especially ordinary. Whatever. Basta it was nice.
So anyhoo... the next day, Jax and I went out again, this time with his highschool friends - Tet, Tin, Karen, and Marvin. The initial plan was
Tagaytay but most of them had work the next day so we ended up in Marvin's place. We just hung out and chatted over chips, Andok's and (they got tipsy) with
mojo (not sure how it's spelled). I probably had (a maximum of) 1/4 of the glass, which, mind you, was super diluted with soda. My favorite part of the night was when they (the buzzed people) made me this lovely cake.
Chicken salad on wheat bread. Fresh out of PGH. Hehehe...Been in this world for uhm, 25 years and 3 days already. I have hurt, been hurt, laughed, been laughed at, cried, complained, been spoiled, doubted, scared, laughed hysterically, fallen and stood up. I know I still have a whole lot to experience and learn. For now, my birthday wish is to have more
strength - spritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically, to be able to embrace all the spice and excitement of life.
@ 9:00 PM