Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Just got this one from Bec:"The
secret of love is seeking variety in your life together, and never letting routine chords dull the melody of your romance."
Love was never meant to be routine and boring. Love is meant to
exaggerate affections between two people and know that there is nothing more important.
@ 1:30 PM
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I've just gone through a difficult week, a roller coaster ride of emotions.
This much I tell you: I'm not giving up.
For whatever it's worth...
@ 10:26 PM
Monday, May 22, 2006
We make choices everyday, from the
simple things down to the most critical, life-changing ones. Every choice we make leads us to a different path -
no turning back. That's how life is, it's a series of process flow charts full of diamond boxes (signifying a decision has to be made), arrows (taking you to the next step), boxes (things that are inevitable), and of course, there's a start and end.
Recently, I discovered the magic of the word
SIMPLIFY. (Believe me, now it's more than just a dictionary word to me.) I think it now influences how I make my choices. My new realization is this:
Life is simple. Sometimes, there's no need for confusion. No gray areas. When you're not happy anymore, just do what you want, what your heart tells you to, and what your guts allow you. You can't say you're stuck at something because you ALWAYS have a choice - you could always get out. That way, you won't blame anybody (or anything, if applicable) for your misery.
No bitterness.
I'm turning 25 in 10 days. That's a quarter of a century, a silver jubilee. But for me, it's a
deadline... and right now just thinking about it sends shivers to every inch of my body. Everything happens for the best, I know. And acceptance is everything.
@ 12:23 AM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
6:17am. I dragged myself out bed this early today. Reason? I'm working from home!!! Grrr... Since I'll be on leave for 2 days next week, I have to take home some reports. I know this is against my "work principles" but I don't really have any choice.
I got home around 12:30 last night. Jax and I watched Da Vinci Code. Actually, I watched Da Vinci Code, while HE
slept through it (THE ENTIRE TIME!!). Since the movie house was so packed for the last full show and it wasn't on a reserved seating basis, we had to settle for 1st row seats (I know, irritating). Anyway, I don't know if it's because of the "way" I watched the movie (front row seat, at least
130 degrees orientation to the screen, go figure) but the movie kind of disappointed me. To think I've been waiting for this for months! It didn't do justice to the book. I think if I watched it without reading, I'd find it a little hard to understand and appreciate. It's really different the way every symolism was explained in the book, much much more amazing.
The other reason I woke up early is because Jax is picking me up at 8:30 to go to this Ford summer thingy in
Splash Island. After that, we're going to visit my cousin who I haven't seen since she got here last Monday. I have a feeling my long weekend is gonna be uhm, full - both of work *rolling eyes* and gimmicks with my cuz.
@ 6:57 AM
New Layout, New Post
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
My new layout is so girly and screaming
pink and
purple. I'm not sure it says a lot about me.. uhm... but hell the fact that I hand-picked these colors and edited it in Photoshop myself means this is me, right?
I'm looking forward to
The Da Vinci Code movie. It's gonna be in theaters tomorrow but I'll have to wait until weekend to watch it. Haven't finished reading the book (I tried to save the e-book in my cellphone while I was in Davao but it was hard to squint and I got irritated with the left and right scrollbar so I gave up) and I don't know if I'll be able to do so before Friday. Maybe tomorrow.
I'm craving for
Starbucks' Banana Creme Frappuccino Blended Cream again. Yummmm.. It's my current favorite. Just right - no caffeine and not too sweet. Must get one tomorrow.
Rain rain go way... I can't believe summer is over (or is it?) this early. Because of that, my cousins (who're just visiting from the US) decided to cancel our Baguio trip supposedly for this weekend. We're going to Puerto Azul instead. I've never been there but I'm kinda feeling oubtful about the place. Cavite isn't really known for beaches.
Bitches, probably.. but not bEAches as in sun and sand? So there. I just hope I'm wrong.
Two more workdays!!! I have one pending report, another one for review, a machinability trial, stacking test loading, and labeling preps lined up for the rest of the week. Work never fails to ruin my mood. Fast forward to Q3 please...
Was supposed to post this last Sunday after we had dinner for momma's day...
My beautiful mom.
Belated Happy Mothers' Day to all moms, especialy the moms of all the moms-to-be reading this!
@ 11:22 PM
Long Overdue - 042206
Sunday, May 14, 2006
At 4:23 am, I woke up to the sound of Ever After, my wake up call from Che. I took a quick shower, decided on what to wear, tossed last-minute stuff in my bag, and waited for my (1st) ride care of Peewee and Che. We then went to pick up Arlene and Maja, met up with Jax at Petron (I transferred to Tammy of course), and the next thing we know, we were speeding through SLEX and Star Toll. Two hours, a pack of Oreo Double Stuff, a bag of potato chips, and 240kph-speed (with me screaming hysterically) later, we were at Peewee's lovely home by the beach.
This is the view from the veranda. No efforts to see and feel summer. Meet the three couples of our Botete Island (yep, we named the beach after Che) getaway:

Pair # 1. Papa Bear Peewee and Mama Bear Che.
Pair # 2. Dentista Eletistas Arlene and Maja.
Pair # 3. Silly kids AJ and Almay.The white sand and clear waters were just beautiful, plus it was not so crowded (there was a time when there were practically just us along the shore!), which made it a perfectly relaxing place. Summer bliss. 'Nuf said.
The next day, we visited the fish pen slash educational tour. I have to say this - Peewee is an architect, marine biologist, history major, and a bartender all rolled into one. Pretty versatile huh? So anyway, we went kayaking after. At first Jax was getting irritated with me because I wasn't paddling the right way (sorry kulang ang motor skills) but after a while I got used to it na rin and was able to contribute to making the kayak move forward. Teehee...Super sarap, feeling ko ang powerful ko. Hehe... So yun, we did that for like an hour or so (explains my ulikba-ish skin til now). We even kayaked going to this small island where I stepped on sea urchins (I know, stupid me).

We took a rest in this raft (err.. floating pallet block? couldn't think of a better term) and fell asleep before we went back to the house for lunch and packed up.
Friends, we should've left Friday night. Tsk tsk... Mejo bitin sya but nevertheless so much FUN!!! Che, couldn't thank you and Peewee enough... Sa uulitin ha! *wink!* Arlene, hurry up and get over with your boards! We HAVE to go back to PadreBu!
@ 11:21 PM
It's been a while...
...since I updated my blog with the happenings in my life so I'll do just that. Well, not that there's a hell lot of excitement to it. =)
* A few weeks ago, I went to Quezon with my highschool friends. The Paterbu (ala Malibu) Beach trip was a blast. The weather was fine and everything went as expected, well except that I didn't have plans to be a personification of a well-done steak. Boohoo for me!
Just a teaser. More on my next post... * My schedule went crazy to the nth level. Until last week, I was juggling trials, PMS, planning, preparations for more upcoming trials and tests... and the list goes on. Isa lang ang masasabi ko: It so sucks to NOT be the boss. Ugh.
* Jax hates how I always fall asleep inside the movie house no matter how good (or popular) the movie is. The other week, my MJ friends were asking me what my definition is of a good flick but I couldn't answer. After this one, I think I know.
Simply mind-blowing. The best I've seen so far for 2006.
* Came back from Davao last Wednesday. The transport test was successful. Whew! 1 down, 2 million more to go...
My only pic of Davao - me shielding my nostrils from the warehouse "sprinkles" * In two weeks time, I'm going to get THE results that could change my life forever. Whether or not it will turn out good, si God na bahala. I won't tell muna what it is. And no, I am far from being pregnant. Haha!* My cousin from the US is arriving tomorrow night with her husband and baby boy. We're planning to go to Baguio next weekend and then straight to either Subic or La Union although nothing's final yet. I hope Caloy (the typhoon) gets out of our way though.
@ 12:37 AM
One Word
Saturday, May 06, 2006
.. in God.. that He will take care of you for me, of us and our relationship, and that everything happens according to His will. I surrender everything to Him - all that's meant and not meant to happen, both of which has a good reason. The power of prayer will calm me and bring me peace.
.. in you.. that you know what's right from wrong, and that you would never choose to hurt me, or do anything to jeopardize what we have because you love me.
.. in me.. in myself, that I could be strong and overcome paranoia.. that sometimes what it takes is some alone time with myself to figure out what I want, what I enjoy doing, and what will make me happy (which has a LOT to do about you nevertheless).
.. in us.. that the meaning of more than two years of being together goes beyond mush. It means both growing as a person although not necessarily always together physically. It is realizing that no matter what goes our way, we will remain solid. You and me becoming US with each passing day.
@ 10:29 AM