16 Going on 30
Friday, April 21, 2006
Last Sunday, Jax and I "celebrated" our 30th month together. Gulliyee.. that was 2.5 years already?!?? Tibay ng helmet na bigay mo sa kin baby! *blush* (Jax raises eyebrow) *pout* Mwehehehe...I surprised/jinxed Jax by watching his basketball game. It was the first time I watched him in a basketball league, or watched any summer sporty league for that matter. So anyways... after the game, guy-grilling-baby-you-know-you'll-always-be-a-3-out-of-3-for-me, and his 10-minute shower, Jax, Pearl, and Tammy headed for (wherelse) SLEX.Car rides via SLEX has always been somewhat special to me, or rather, us. There's something about the feeling of being "alone together" inside the car (be it Tammy or Lex) for the 30-minute to an hour ride. It's sort of a bonding, a time for us to catch up on what happened during the week when we were both busy with work, bash other cars on the road (either because they're too slow for the passing lane or their supposedly pimped out car doesn't look cool at all), discuss (or debate about) our thoughts and opinions on anything under the sun, voice out our tampo's, reminisce about how we were when we were "just friends"... It's just nice. Simple but feels so warm and fuzzy inside.
Pair of cream-based caramel frappuccino, for here - inside Tammy.
@ 11:52 PM
3 hours and i'm out. can't wait! tic tic tic...
@ 2:08 PM
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I have lost all my passion for the work I used to love. Errrr no, i'm actually starting to hate it. Must move out soon. Really really soon.
@ 11:04 AM
Sluggish. Bored. Guilty.
Friday, April 14, 2006
.:THURSDAY:. jax // egg sandwich // tammy // SLEX // max's // hill spa // hugs & kisses // swimming // swing-swing // bonding // total stopover // jollibee .:FRIDAY:. 1030am // lazy a*s // pancakes // webcam // bloghopping // 7th heaven // master's bedroom // reese's peanut butter cups // tyra show // windows xp // america's next top model
@ 7:57 PM
Not In The Mood
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Because of what happened to me last week (and just this afternoon), I'm not in the mood to work. Give me a break! I don't care if I promised our Senior PD that I'll be finishing the specs she's requesting before the Holy Week break. Duh?! As if! I know I'm gonna have to either: [1] go overtime AGAIN tonight, or [2] cram for it tomorrow. What a life.
Anyways... this reminded me of Vince's Life from Seventeen, back when the Ratskee girls were still mag-crazy: http://www.settingherfree.blogspot.com. Caught this while blog-hopping. It's a nice story about this guy who's in love with his sister's bestfriend. Cute. =)
@ 5:03 PM
Blah Blah Blah
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Whew! So glad WW14 is over. I finished Sleeve's first qualification step right on target (very, very proud, considering I had to do it alone) while juggling with other minor projects. Spell s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l. At the middle of the week I found myself bursting into tears all out of dead beat exhaustion. *tear* By the time I woke up (extra early) last Friday morning, I was sure if only my whole body could scream, my neighbors would've been deaf by now. As if the whole week of being worn out wasn't enough, I had to cancel plans with Jax to go to Tagaytay. Romantic dinner, warm conversation, and quality cuddling time with Jax down the drain. Aaaargh!!! Instead, we had to settle for Yellow Cab delivery to my office. Major bummer.
Ok enough ranting.
Here are some of the things I learned/noticed/realized from last week:
1. Man, by nature, tends to develop a process, form groups, and establish a specific role within a system, like there's an unspoken rule of some sort. One will settle to be a wallflower, another a fault-finder, an ass-kisser, a rebel, and so on...
2. Not all Filipinos are flat-out dumb and lazy. Maabilidad ang mga Pinoy. You'll just have to teach them to fish.
3. It's amazing how there are so many different personalities mixing everyday everywhere. You never know who you'll be dealing with and what impression you'll be leaving to others. You can't please everyone. That's just the way it goes.
I sooo need a break. Rescue meeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
@ 2:11 PM
Thursday, April 06, 2006

@ 9:52 PM
Some Things Never Change
Sunday, April 02, 2006
After 1 million cancellations and 3 years later, SCAPE girls finally went out today. The original arrangement was brunch ala SaTC over at Pancake House in Alabang (that nice building across ATC, near Pacific Village). So there. At exactly 8:40 am, I was off to the south.
First we did have brunch as planned. No pancakes. If it wasn't for Susan's gimmick-ng-mga-lola-ang-breakfast-sa-labas-pag-Sunday-while-reading-the-newspaper remark, it could've been a "pack up" at around 10:30. Hehe... Kidding. Since we were somehow (somehow being the operative word - we were just looking for a good place to lounge in, chat, and yep, being the camwhores that we are, take pictures! *wink*wink*), we had coffee at Starbucks. That and nonstop talking. Typical of us. Perfect.
Stories never stopped flowing, the range of topics being: highschool batchmates (who married/in a relationship with who, where this and that went after grad, etc.), old flames, old teachers, songfests and sabayang pagbigkas (Ems, Susan played Iska! Haha. Fave ko pa din yung 2I nagkakandarapa umakyat sa stage ng lecture room for the Africa thingy presentation.), future career, lovelife, and family plans, and the list goes on and on. Imagine 3 years worth of updatesand chismis.
To justify what I said in the above subject, I would like to site exact observations:
Susan still had that infectious laugh - that contagious laugh na you can't help but mahawa. She's still miss prim and proper, with the perfectly shaped eyebrows, mataray look, but nevertheless sweet smile. Witty-funny comments will forever be her trademark.
Celes: the lady with not a mean bone in her body. Nag-shrink man sya to the level na comparable sa little kid students nya, she's the same super caring and soft-hearted person. And... kuripot pa din sya! Haha.
Almay, minus the now baboy body, is still the mainarte girl. I wouldn't go into details na kasi blog ko ito... =)
Pia.. is uhm, in Singapore na e. It's been a long time na rin since I heard from her. Pia JOY, if by any chance you get to read this, let's just meet up when you visit sa Pinas.
Emily is same-o-same-o. She's the most often I get to see (hel-lo, room mates in college???) and I've seen her "grow" over the years. Kumbaga, nasubaybayan namin ang isa't isa so I can't really say she changed much. Except that one-man woman na sya. Relax, Ly-Ann. JOKE. =)
On the contrary, there are a few changes din naman. We know how to drive na. We have our own money. We can go out without having to ask permission from the rents. We're allowed to wear as much make-up as we want (although we prefer not to overdo it.) We live in different worlds, meet different people, have different experiences everyday. Despite all that, there will always be THAT thing. I know in my heart it will go as far as engagement parties, weddings, baptisms, kiddie parties, and eventually, reading newspapers together on Sunday mornings. Luv yah girls! *kisses*
Looking forward to May 6?
@ 7:42 PM
Fools and Palm Readings
Happy April Fools!!!
Jax should be in Subic by now. *sniff* I think this is the first weekend he actually ditched me to go out of town with his work buddies. *pout* Oh well... let the boys do their thing. There aren't any girls in kart tracks, are there? *thought bubble slash paranoid* Haha.
Yesterday, the new girl from our Local Packaging Group, Mel, who was known to have the gift of palmistry, gave me MY reading. A little creepy. It's just weird that she knows something I mylelf wouldn't have given attention. Well maybe subconsciously. But for her to, of all topics like the usual love life and career stuff, mention that was a bit of a "whoa!" to me. In fairness, I never really believed in fortune telling but what she told me really got to me. And, according to her, the lines in our palms (and hence our future) actually changes. If ever this is true, I'm thinking it's because of the choices we made, make, or will make. So literal pala ang "gulong ng palad"? Wala lang.
Ok time to watch the episodes I missed from the 1st season of Desperate Housewives (which I copied from Tito Ben's laptop to mine - yes Ria, I'll give you a copy). Nix, borrow ng second season!!! =)
@ 12:28 AM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
+ been a week since i went out with nix and ems. nothing grand. just dinner at north park in park square. the usual kwentuhan re old & common friends, work, chismis, etc. finally exchanged christmas gifts (that's how long overdue that dinner was!) and pasalubong's. i missed these girls. next time overnight na lang ulit at my house para hindi bitin!
+ a little disappointed about america's next top model. i so wanted to kick that keenia girl out of the competition! she's so self-centered!! and i actually like britney. she's such a natural charmer - kikay pero nakakatuwa. too bad she got eliminated na. kahlen's ok but she's such a crybaby (nagsalita ang hindi) so i'll have to bet on naima. she has a slight resemblance with jLo.
+ when is enough really enough? how do you know if you're trying too hard? what does it take to just walk away? how do you gather enough courage to finally say "this has got to stop!"?
+ mixed emotions: excited about managing my own "plant" next week for project sleeve, scared of the possible OOC's, drained just thinking of the zero-productivity output for my other projects because of this (bawal na bang magpahinga?), and sad for feeling alila-ish. *big heavy sigh*
+ number one - take time to take care of yourself and splurge on something you really, really like. don't think of the credit card bill, at least not just yet. you SO deserve it.
+ freaky: ria and i wore the same outfit "theme" today - plain white shirt, brown drawstring pants, and gypsy-ish flat sandals. haha. no wonder we were getting strange glances on our way to starbucks, especially the "kidnapper" guy driving a volvo! lolz
+ thought for the day: When God takes away something from us, He just wants to free our hands so He could give us something better.
@ 11:50 PM